Friday, August 31, 2018

August 31, Friday


Reading Prompt

Social Studies--> Was the American Revolution inevitable? 

The students continued to work on a pre-revolutionary war colony review (Level 1--> information gathering).

How did colonists’ perspectives of colonial laws and taxes issued during the pre-Revolutionary Period differ from the perspective of the British?

Writers' Workshop

Mode: Narrative--> Rubric: Structure & Development

Mini-lesson: Journal write: How do I feel about the narrative writing mode

Work time: The students read and scored a narrative anchor paper using the structure rubric.

Homework/Due Dates

Jan 22- 12 Bookmarks
Sept 4- Nameplate and letter to Ms. Sander
Sept 6 - Mayflower Compact Summary
Sept 9: Colony review

Thursday, August 30, 2018

August 30, Thursday


Reading Prompt

Social Studies--> Was the American Revolution inevitable? 

The students continued to work on their Mayflower Compact summary. They also began working on a pre-revolutionary war colony review (Level 1 information gathering).

How did colonists’ perspectives of colonial laws and taxes issued during the pre-Revolutionary Period differ from the perspective of the British?

Writers' Workshop

Mode: Narrative
The students completed an on-demand narrative assessment. The essay will help Ms. Sander determine the students narrative writing strengths and goals. 

Homework/Due Dates

Jan 22- 12 Bookmarks
Sept 4- Nameplate and letter to Ms. Sander
Sept 6 - Mayflower Compact Summary

August 29, Wednesday


Reading prompt

Social Studies--> Was the American Revolutionary inevitable? 

The students reviewed/learned about the Mayflower Compact and the Magna Carta and began to show their understanding of the content by completing a written summary.

How did colonists’ perspectives of colonial laws and taxes issued during the pre-Revolutionary Period differ from the perspective of the British?

The students also completed a practice reading response question from the fairy tail Goldilocks.

Homework/Due Dates

Sept 4- Nameplate and letter to Ms. Sander
Jan 22- 12 Bookmarks